Caring for you as we would for ourselves

Hip orthopedics and traumatology

Hip surgery is the sub-specialty that deals with all hip and pelvic conditions. These health issues may be degenerative, congenital or caused by an injury.

Our services

We diagnose and treat various hip and pelvic conditions. The most common medical conditions we see and the treatment options we offer include:

  • hip arthritis 
    • arthroscopy
    • total hip replacement (THR) surgery
  • femoroacetabular impingement
    • arthroscopy
    • surgical hip dislocation (open surgery)
  • issues with existing prosthesis (loosening of prosthesis, wear and tear, chronic infections) 
    • change of prosthesis (partial or total)
  • tendon problems around the hip (torn tendons, chronic tendinitis)
    • physical therapy (conservative treatment)
    • osteopathy (conservative treatment)
    • injections
    • surgery (in certain cases for tears)

We also provide care for hip and pelvic injuries and offer an extensive range of surgical or conservative treatments depending on the type of injury.

When do I make an appointment?

Our medical consultations are specialized consultations. In most cases, your primary care physician, rheumatologist or sports physician will advise you to make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. The emergency department can also refer patients to our specialist team.

Why choose Hôpital de La Tour?

Infection rates lower than the national average for hip replacement surgery

Our team of surgeons who are highly-specialized in treating hip conditions can significantly reduce operating times for hip replacement surgery, a known risk factor for infection.

  • infection rate at Hôpital de La Tour: 0% in 2018
  • average infection rate in Switzerland: between 1.4% and 1.8%

Efficient monitoring of the long-term results of hip replacement surgery

All our patients who undergo hip replacement surgery are entered into a database to provide long-term follow-up on the results of their surgery, which means we can continually measure their level of satisfaction.

Anterior total hip replacement surgery

Total hip replacement (THR) surgery has numerous benefits, including: 

  • shorter hospital stay
  • less blood loss (resulting in fewer blood transfusions)
  • low rate of dislocation

Multidisciplinary care

Patients benefit from the expertise of all our on-site specialists to ensure the best possible care for their medical condition and health. We work closely with specialists from a wide range of fields including:

  • medical imaging for diagnosis
  • physical therapy
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Cette visite virtuelle vous permet de suivre le parcours de soins d'un patient traité à l'Hôpital de La Tour pour un problème de hanche.
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