Caring for you as we would for ourselves

Prepare for your admission

You will soon be admitted as a patient at Hôpital de La Tour; on this page, you will find all the information you need to get ready, particularly relating to your admission and the personal items you will need.

Before your admission - administrative details

Hôpital de La Tour will send you an admissions pack which contains your confirmation letter with the location, date, and time of your admission. This pack also includes several other documents that need to be returned to us fully completed and signed.

These documents are:

  • admissions form 
  • testing consent form
  • anesthesia questionnaire 
  • form for the transmission of information and payment of costs not covered by insurance
  • any other specific consent forms, if relevant. 


Please also include the following:

  • copy of your health insurance document(s)
  • copy of valid identification.

You can post these documents back to us or email them to

If you receive the documents less than five days before the date of your hospital stay, please return them by email or, if necessary, bring them with you on the day of your admission. Your admissions process will be quicker and easier if we already have all of the above documents on the day of your admission. 

Before your hospital stay - consultation with your anesthesiologist

A preoperative consultation is arranged with your anesthesiologist if you need a procedure. This is usually a phone consultation 48 hours before your admission. However, in some cases, the consultation may be in your room after you have been admitted. 

If you have any questions about your anesthesia, please contact: 

T +41 22 719 64 66

For information about your anesthesia: 

Read our PDF brochure

Before your hospital stay - specific instructions

Depending on why you are being admitted, you may have received specific instructions about what to do before your hospital stay, for example, you may need laboratory tests. You have been given these instructions to limit the risk of infection as much as possible. 


Please make sure you do the following:  

  • remove all jewelry and piercings
  • remove nail varnish and false nails (not compatible with monitoring devices). 

Shower before surgery 

In most cases, you will need to shower on the day of your surgery and wash your hair with antiseptic soap. We therefore recommend that you do not visit a hair salon just before your hospital stay. 

During your hospital stay - documents and medications

To facilitate your treatment, prevent any unnecessary examinations and ensure that your hospital stay is as smooth and pleasant as possible, please have the following documents and medications with you: 

  • valid identification
  • civil status documents (only applicable for mothers-to-be registering a birth)
  • medical documents, including any X-rays, recent laboratory test results, blood group card, etc.
  • list of regular medications (pharmacy prescriptions, please record in a chart if you have multiple medications)
  • regular medications, including any self-prescribed medicines (in their original packaging, if possible). 

Your team of doctors and nurses will give you medication for your medical condition during your hospital stay. In most cases, you will not need to use your own medications and they will be returned to you when you are discharged. 

During your hospital stay - personal belongings

Hôpital de La Tour will provide you with some items during your hospital stay. Your room will have toiletries – soap, shampoo, and body lotion – as well as a bath towel, bathrobe, and slippers. To ensure your stay is as comfortable as possible, it is a good idea to bring anything with you that you might need, including the following personal belongings:  

  • toiletries, including toothbrush and toothpaste  
  • glasses and a protective case 
  • hearing aids and/or dentures together with their storage cases
  • comfortable clothes, including pajamas or nightdress, dressing gown, and underwear 
  • if applicable, appropriate clothes for your physical therapy sessions, including sturdy footwear, such as sneakers, and sweatpants
  • comfortable clothes for the day of your discharge. 

Hôpital de La Tour will also provide you with hospital gowns for any procedures. You may wear your own comfortable clothes if you feel well enough to do so. However, if this is not possible, our care team will provide you with suitable clothing that respects your privacy and dignity. 

It is also a good idea to bring some things with you to help you pass the time and relax, including:

  • reading materials 
  • cell phone and charger
  • tablet (please also bring headphones to limit noise). 

If your child is being admitted to hospital, try to bring things that will make their stay as enjoyable and worry free as possible, including cuddly toys, games, and books. 


Your valuables

We strongly advise that you do not bring in any jewelry or valuables to hospital or have large amounts of money in your room. However, if you must bring valuables with you, all rooms are equipped with a private electronic safe and our hospital also has a safe where these valuables can be stored, if necessary. Hôpital de La Tour accepts no responsibility for loss or theft. 

Contact us

Do you need help with any administrative aspect of your admission? 

The admissions team is available from Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on the upper ground floor of the B1 building. 

Do you have any questions about your stay?
The reservations team is available to help from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on:
+41 22 719 66 67 
