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Chronic fatigue: definition, symptoms and treatments

General practice
Have you been feeling profoundly tired for several months now, and the slightest task seems insurmountable? You may be suffering from chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), should not be confused with a temporary drop in energy or exhaustion. A better understanding of fatigue, and the symptoms associated with it, makes it easier to manage and improve your quality of life.

When does fatigue become chronic?

There are different types of fatigue: nervous, intellectual or physiological. Chronic fatigue occurs when it becomes incapacitating, i.e. when it makes it difficult, if not impossible, to carry out daily tasks. This syndrome combines unusual extreme weakness, which can persist for several months, with post-exertion malaise, even moderate, as well as sleep and attention disorders. People suffering from sleep apnoea, Lyme disease, vitamin deficiencies (iron, vitamin D) or long Covid often present symptoms of chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue is thought to affect around 20,000 people in Switzerland.

fatigue chronique

How do I know if I'm suffering from chronic fatigue? 

Chronic fatigue manifests itself as prolonged exhaustion and discomfort after moderate exertion, such as brisk walking. It is more common in young, active people. However, the disease can affect all age groups (children, adolescents, adults). 

Symptoms of CFS/ME include :

  • a permanent state of tiredness (asthenia), from the moment you wake up in the morning and lasting throughout the day ;
  • Intense tiredness that makes it difficult to carry out daily tasks;
  • intolerance of standing and exertion; 
  • the onset of malaise or dizziness within 12 hours of moderate exertion;
  • sleep disorders
  • anxiety disorders 
  • tension headaches 
  • difficulty memorising or concentrating; 
  • muscle and joint pain (fibromyalgia).

In some cases, bowel and/or bladder problems may also occur. Some patients complain of flu-like symptoms, typical of a viral infection, with a sore throat, swollen glands and an oscillation between sensations of heat and shivering.

People suffering from CFS/ME generally do not get enough sleep or rest. They find it difficult to relieve these symptoms and sometimes need several days to recover from moderate exertion. This condition forces them to rethink their lifestyle: every task (physical or intellectual) is energy-intensive and requires extra rest periods. Some patients also talk about ‘brain fog’ when they have memory lapses or are looking for words. 

Fortunately, there are solutions to counter or reduce the effects of CFS. Before starting any treatment or changing your habits, consult a specialist doctor for a thorough examination to rule out other possible causes.

Treating chronic fatigue: possible treatments 

The treatment of CFS is primarily symptomatic, as the causes of this illness are still largely unknown. To date, no medication has been shown to be effective against CFS. Treatment consists mainly of guiding the patient towards exercise reconditioning and a reorganisation of lifestyle habits. 

The physiotherapy and sports medicine specialists at Hôpital de La Tour can help you with this process.

Here's our advice on how to reduce the effects of chronic fatigue:

Physical activity:

  • choose gentle endurance training (such as walking) 
  • adapt physical effort with different phases (intensive to light)
  • avoid overtraining 


  • plan sufficient time for recovery and rest
  • practise relaxation and deep breathing

Cognitive functions :

  • train your brain (crosswords, sudoku)
  • practise yoga and meditation

Diet : 

  • opt for foods rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids 
  • supplement your meals with vitamins, probiotics and antioxidants
  • avoid caffeine or sugary/stimulating drinks in the evening

Sleep :

  • switch off screens at least 30 minutes before bedtime
  • go to bed and get up at the same time

Can stress cause chronic fatigue?

CFS can appear suddenly or gradually after stress, whether infectious (such as mononucleosis), psychological or a combination of the two. Its origins are varied: viral or bacterial infections (herpes virus, long Covid, etc.), psychological stress, as well as immunological and genetic factors.

Things to remember

Chronic fatigue can occur at any age and makes it difficult to carry out daily tasks. It can be disabling and have a social and professional impact, forcing sufferers to change their lifestyle. A thorough diagnosis enables the doctor to determine whether it is an illness in its own right or just one of a number of symptoms. He or she will then be able to direct you towards a treatment suited to your needs. There are currently several methods of combating this disease with positive long-term effects.