What is scarlet fever?
Scarlet fever is caused by the same bacteria responsible for strep throat: group A streptococcus. The disease takes its name from the reddish rash it causes, which is generally rough to the touch, like sandpaper. Other symptoms include high fever (over 38.5°C) and sore throat (angina). Characteristic of scarlet fever is the tongue, which presents either a whitish coating or a bright red, V-shaped rash reminiscent of a strawberry. Scarlet fever is most common in children aged 5 to 10.
Is scarlet fever contagious?
Scarlet fever is a contagious disease. It is transmitted through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. You can also contract the bacteria by touching surfaces or objects contaminated by droplets. Children in close contact with infected people, in schools or nurseries, run a higher risk of contracting the disease.
Our advice: apply barrier gestures, wash your hands frequently and regularly clean door handles, toys and other switches to reduce the risk of contamination.
La scarlatine chez le nourrisson : symptômes et traitement
La scarlatine est relativement rare chez les nourrissons en raison des anticorps qu'ils reçoivent de leur mère pendant la grossesse et qui leur offrent une certaine protection. Toutefois, si un nourrisson contracte la scarlatine, les symptômes peuvent être similaires à ceux observés chez les enfants plus âgés. Il s'agit notamment d'une éruption cutanée, de fièvre, d'irritabilité, d'écoulement nasal et de difficultés à s'alimenter.
Si vous suspectez une scarlatine chez votre bébé, consultez un médecin ou contactez directement notre service de pédiatrie. Le traitement comprend généralement une série d'antibiotiques, habituellement de la pénicilline ou de l'amoxicilline, qui doivent être administrés pendant toute la durée prescrite afin d'éviter les complications. L'hydratation et la gestion de la fièvre avec des médicaments sans danger pour le nourrisson peuvent aider à soulager les symptômes.
Scarlet fever in children: symptoms and treatment
Children are the most frequently affected by scarlet fever. The disease often begins with a sore throat and high fever, followed by the appearance of a red rash (within 24 to 48 hours of the onset of sore throat symptoms) that usually starts on the chest and spreads to other parts of the body. Headaches, stomach aches and nausea are also possible. After the rash, the skin often begins to peel and dry out.
Scarlet fever can be detected by a throat smear taken by the doctor (streptotest). Treatment for children may include a course of antibiotics lasting 6 to 10 days, which must be continued even if symptoms subside after a few days, to avoid any relapse.
In addition to treatment, here are a few tips to limit your child's discomfort:
- Drink a lot of water
- Rest
- Offer fresh, non-acidic, soft foods ( purees, yoghurts, ice creams) and divide meals throughout the day.
- Ventilate rooms and avoid pollutants that can irritate the throat (smoke, home fragrances, household products).
- If the rash is itchy, do not apply anything to your child's skin without medical advice.
« Scarlet fever is one of the most common childhood illnesses, and is easily treated without complications. If necessary, consult your doctor for the appropriate advice.»
Dre. Magali Gauthey
Chief of Pediatric Department
Scarlet fever in adults: symptoms and treatment
Although less common in adults, scarlet fever can still occur, particularly in those who are in close contact with infected people. Adults may experience symptoms similar to those of children, such as fever, sore throat and rash. However, adults are more likely to experience fatigue, body aches and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
Antibiotic treatment is also the first course of action for adults, and it's important to follow the prescription in full to avoid complications such as rheumatic fever or kidney disease.
What are the risks for pregnant women?
Pregnant women are not at greater risk of contracting scarlet fever, but if they do, it can present risks for both mother and baby. Symptoms and treatment are similar to those of the general population. While scarlet fever itself does not directly harm the baby, untreated infections can lead to more serious complications, such as kidney problems or infections that can affect pregnancy.
Consult your doctor or one of our gynecologists if you have any symptoms of scarlet fever, and follow the recommendations to minimize the risks.
To remember
Scarlet fever is a treatable disease, but early diagnosis is essential to prevent complications. If you or a family member is showing symptoms, see a doctor to start treatment as soon as possible. With proper care, most people recover from scarlet fever with no lasting effects.